Abaque (du chapiteau d'une colonne): abacu - abacus
Abat-jour: battilume, calalume, lucernaghju - lamp-shade
Abat-vent: sbattiventu - wind-break
Aggloméré: agglumeratu - bond-stone
Alcôve: alcova, arcoiu - alcove, bed-recess
Allée: passeghju - walk, passage
Allège: appoghju di finestra, sponda - window-bedge
Ameublement: mobulamentu, mobuli - furniture, furnishing
Ancrage: incatinamentu - anchoring, anchorage
Ancre: catena - anchor
Ante: pilastru di guadrera - anta
Antebois ou antibois: riga d'intoppu - stop-rod, shock-absorbing-rod
Antéfixe: stilla - frieze patterns, ridge ornaments, eaves-gutter
Antichambre: anticamera - ante-room, antechamber, waiting-room
Aplomb: appiombu - plumb
Appartement: lughjamentu, lugiamentu, appartamentu -
flat U-S: apartment
Appentis: casarottu, casarone, casarellu, appicciu - penthouse, outhouse
Applique: appiecu, ornamentu, lampana murale - application, bracket-lamp
Arc: arcu - arch
Arcade: arcata - archway, row of arches
Arcature: arcatura - arcature, blind arch
Arc-boutant: puntellu, sustegnu, contravolta - flying buttress
Arc-doubleau: arcu di rinforzu - transverse rib
Arceau: archellu - arch, arch of a vault
Arche: arcu, arcata - arch
Architecte: architettu - architect
Architectonique: architettonicu - architectoni
Architectural: architetturale - architectural
Architecture: architettura - architecture
Architrave: architrave - architrave
Architravée: corniciale - architrave
archivolte: archivolta - arch stone mouldings
Arc surbaissé: arcu bassu - depressed, flattened arch
Ardoise: teghja, tittela, baina - slate
Arête: angulu, tagliu - angle, edge
Arêtier: sima, crinale, arcale, spiculu - edge-line
Argile: terra rossa, arzilla, arnazilla, frisgia, terra à pina - clay
Armature: ossatura, intempiu - framework
Arrêtoir: arrestu, intoppu - stop
Arrière-corps: staccu (di casa) - back premises
Arrière-cour: scantu (di piazza), curtile - back-yard
Ascenceur: levatore, ascinsore - lift
Assise: fundamentu, solu - course of masonry, row of bricks
Atre: ziglia, zigliata, foculare - fireplace, hearth
Auge: camatta - mortar-trough
Auvent: tittoia, tittoghja, tittinu - penthouse roof
Avant-corps: avanzata di casa - fore-part, projecting part
Avant-cour: primacorte - fore-court
Avant-toit: avanzata di tettu - eaves of roof

Bac à douche: bacilone, baschinu (di bagnu) - tub
Bâcle: stanga - bar (of door)
Badigeon: latta, lattata, imbiancu, inlattu - distemper, whitewash
Badigeonnage: inlattata, imbiancata, imbiancatura, inlattera - whitwashing
Badigeonner: lattà, allattà, inlattà, imbiancà, risciumà - to whitewash
Badigeonneur: allattadore, imbiancadore, inlattadore - whitewasher
Bahut: (chaperon de mur): baullu, pancula - coping (of wall)
Baie: apertura, finestra - bay, window
Baignoire: bagnarola - bath
Balcon: cacciafora, balcone, balconu, terrazza, terrazzolu - balcony
Balustrade: balustrata, palavostra - balustrade
Balustre: balustrinu, culunnetta - baluster, banisters (of stairs)
Banche: tavula, pannellu - framing, shuttering
Banquette: panculella - bench, seat, form
Baraque: baracca, caserottu - hut, shanty
Barbacane: scolu - loop-hole
Bardeau: piastrella, scandula - shingle (board)
Barreau: astra, cavichju, cavichjolu - small bar, rail
Bâtiment: casamentu - building
Bâtisse: casamentu, custruzzione - masonry (of a building), building
Battant: alba, paffa, battente - flap (of table), leaf (of door)
Battée: appoghju - jamb
Battellement: doppia grundiana - eaves of roof
Belvédère: belvedere - belvedere, view-point, summer-house
Benne: benna - tip-lorry, tipping-wagon
Bergerie: stazzu - sheep-fold, pen
Béton: cimentu, cement; béton armé: cimentu armatu - cement reinforced; béton banché: cimentu culatu, cimentu incasciatu - framed; béton précontraint: cimentu strintu - prestressed
Bétonnage: cimentera - concreting
Bétonner: cimentà - to concrete
Bétonnière: buzanarola, menatrice - concrete-mixer
Bicoque: casaccia, casittaccia, catapeghju, catapechja, catagnonu - shanty, poky little house
Bidet: lavellu - bidet
Blocage: riempiime, riempiume, riempiimentu, riempiitura - filling up
Bloquer: riempie - to fill up with rubble
Bobinette: minucula, vulella - bobbin-latch
Bois: legnu, ligname - wood
Boisseau: bucu, gola - drain-tile
Boîte de dérivation: scatula d'imbrancamentu, scatula d'appicciu - branching-box
Bordure: ariciale - edging
Bouche d'aération: ariaghjola - ventilation, airing-aperture
Brique: mattone - brick
Brique réfractaire: mattone à focu, mattone resistente - fire-proof brick
Briqueter: mattunà - to brick, to pave or face with bricks
Broche (pour travailler la pierre): puntarola - pick
Brouette: cariola, piruetta - wheelbarrow
Butée de porte: intoppu - door-stop
Cabane: cabanna, casellu, casarone - hut, shanty
Cabanon: caserottu - small hut, small bungalow
Cabine: cabina - cabin, beach hut
Cabinet d'aisance: combidu, latrina, cacatoghju - water-closet
Cabinet d'architecte, de notaire: uffiziu - office
Cabinet de débarras: ritiru - lumber room
Cabinet de toilette: sala di bagnu - bath-room
Cabinet de travail: stanza di travagliu - study
Cable: cavu - moulding
Cache-radiateur: cuperchju di radiatore - radiator , cover, hood
Cage d'escalier: ghjocu di scala - stairway
Cagibi: ridottu, burdigottu, lughjinu, lughjetta - lumber room
Caillasse: petrichiccia - broken stones
Calfeutrage: cunghjettitura - stopping-up of chinks-also material for this
Calfeutrer: cunghjittà, stuccà - to make a room draught-proof, to weather-strip
Canal: canale - pipe, conduit
Canalisation: canalizazione - piping, pipeworks, mains
Canaliser: canalizà - to lay down pipe, mains
Caniveau: acquidottu, cundottu, fussettu, piova, canalettu - gutter
Carreau (de fenêtre): vetru di finestra - window-pane
Carreau de faïence: tumetta, chjappella, lastra - tile
Carrelage: lastracu, astracu, pavimentu - tiling, tile-flooring
Carreler: inchjappellà, lastrà, pavimentà - to lay floor with tiles, to pave yard
Carreleur: chjappelladore, lastradore, pavimentadore - tile-layer, paviour
Cassine: casuccia - country cottage, hut
Cave: cantina, fondu - cellar, vault
Chaînage: cinta, chjave, incantinamentu - tying, clamping of walls
Chaîne: catena, chjave - tie iron
Chaîner: incantinà, inchjavà - to chain, to tie
Chalet: casinu, casile - Swiss chalet, country cottage
Chambranle: guadru - frame, casing
Chambrette: cameruccia, cameretta, camerettu, camerichju, camerottu, stanzina - little room
Chantier: cantariu, travagliu, custruzzione - building-site
Chappe: solu, ghjacca, cappa - covering
Chapiteau: capitellu - capital
Charnière: mappa, mappula, mappetta, maestretta - hinge
Charpente: intempiu, intempiamentu, intempiatura, intittatura - framework
Charpenter: intempià - to frame up
Charpentier: intempiadore, maestru d'ascia - carpenter
Chasse d'eau: bolleru, riboccu, piena - flush
Chassis: tilare, tilaghju - frame
Chaudière: caldara, callara - boiler
Chauffage: scalleria, scaldime, scallime, scallera, saldera - heating
Chauffage central: scalleria - central heating
Chauffe-bain: scaldabagnu - bath-heater, geyser
Chauffe-eau: scaldacqua, scallacqua - water-heater
Chaumière: capannile - thatched cottage
Chaux: calcina - lime. vive - quick lime.
Chaux éteinte: calcina spinta - slaked lime
Cheminée: carminu, sceminè - fire-place, mantel-piece
Chéneau: canaletta - eaves gutter
Chevalement: puntellamentu - props, shoring
Chevaler: puntellà - to shore up
Cheville: cavichja, cavichju - peg
Cheviller: incavichjà - to peg
Chevron: currente - rafter
Chevronner: pone u currenti - to rafter
Cimaise: riga, orlu, filu - ogee moulding, dado
Ciment: cimentu, cement; rapide, prompt: rapidu, prontu - fast-setting; fondu: à focu - molten
Cimentation: cimentera - cementing
Cimenter: cimentà - to cement
Cimenterie: cimenteria - cement-works
Cimentier: cimentaiu - cement-maker
Ciseau: scalpellu, scarpellu, scalpellinu, scarpellinu - chisel
Claie: cannicciu, grate - fence
Claveau: chjavellu - arch-stone
Clé: chjave - key
Clé de voute: capivolta, chjave - keystone
Cloison: tramezana, pardatu, mediana, mattunata - partition
Cloisonnement, cloisonnage: tramezanime - partitioning
Cloisonner: tramezà, tramezanà, mezanà - partition
Clôture: chjudenda, serrenda - fencing, enclosure
Coffrage: casciatura, casseru, imbattura, imbattatura - framing, shuttering
Coffrer: incasserà, incascià, imbattà - to coffer, to frame
Colonnade: peristiliu - colonnade
Colonne: culonna, schiena - colum, pillar
Colonnette: culunetta - little column
Comble: granaghju, sottutettu - attic, garret
Conduit de cheminée: gola di carminu - chimney-pipe
Constructeur: custruttore - builder
Construction: custruzzione - building
Construire: custruisce, custruè, custruce - to build
Contrecoeur: muru à focu - fire-back
Contre-fenêtre: contrafinestra - double glazing
Contrefort: bracciu - buttress, abutment
contre-mur: bracciu - buttress, abutment
Contre-porte: contraporta - screen-door, inner door
Contrevent: paraventula - outside shutter
Contreventer: appossà, parà u ventu - to shut off the wind
Cordeau: lenza - tracing line
Corniche: curnice, curnicione - cornice
Corridor: curridore - passage, corridor
Coulage: culatura - casting
Couler (du béton): culà (u cimentu) - to cast
Couloir: curridore - passage
Cour: corte, piazza - yard, courtyard
Couverture: tettu - roof
Couvre-joint: riga, spranghella, aghjunghjitura - joint-cover
Couvreur: tittaiu - roofer, tiler, slater, thatcher
Couvrir (une maison): attittà, copre (una casa) - to roof
Crémone: serriale - casement bolt
Crépi: scialbu - rough-cast
Crépir: scialbà - to rough-cast
Crépissage: scialbata, scialbime, scialbera - rough-casting
Crible: cernigliu, cruvellu, crivellu, passone, reta, druvellu, ciaritulu - gravel screen
Cribler: staccià, cerniglià - to screen
Criblage: staccera, cernigliera - screening
Cuisine: cucina - kitchen
Cuvette de cabinet d'aisance: sediale - pan
Dame: dama - paving-beetle
Damer: batte - to ram, to tamp
Dallage: pavimentu, tighjata, chjappata, lastracu, astracu - pavement, flagging, tiled floor
Dalle: teghja, lastra - flagstone
Daller: intighjà, lastrà, inchjappà - to pave, to flag, to tile
Dalleur: intighjadore, lastradore - flag-layer, paviour
Débarras: ridiru, burdigottu - lumber-room
Décoffrage: scasciatura, sbattura, scasseru - unframing
Décoffrer: scascià, scasserà - to unframe
Décrépir: scalcinà, discialbà - to remove plaster
Décrépissage: discialbata, discialbime, discialbera - plaster-removing
Démastiquer: smasticà - to remove putty
Déménagement: smubulamentu, sgumbrime, sgumbramentu - removal, moving
Démeublement: smubulera, smubilera, smubulime, smubulamentu - stripping of furniture
Démeubler: smubulà, smiglià - to strip of furniture
Demeure: abitazione, casa, domiciliu, abitaculu - dwelling-place, abode
Demeurer: stà - to dwell, to inhabit
Dépavage: spetramentu, stighjamentu - unpaving
Dépaver: spetrà, stighjà - to unpave
Déplâtrage: scalcinera, scalcinatura, sghjessatura - unplastering
Déplâtrer: scalcinà, sghjessà - to unplaster
Dérasement: sbassamentu - lowering
Déraser: sbassà - to lower
Devis: estimu, devissu - estimate
Dévoiement: pendita - canting, tilting
Disjoncteur: disghjuntore - circuit-breaker
Dôme: domu, tolu - dome, cupola
Domicile: domiciliu, casa - residence, place of abode, domicile
Domicilié: accasatu - domiciled
Domicilier: accasà - to domicile
Douche: troscia, duscia, bagnu - shower-bath
Douille: électrique: cappicciolu (electricu) - contact-socket
Drain: scolu, cundottu, piova, canale, fossu, canaliculu - drain-pipe
Drainer: appiovà, canalizà, ricoglie l'acqua - to drain
Drainage: scolu - draining
Eaux usées: lavatura, ghjettu - sewage liquids
Echafaudage: ponte, palcu, palchettu - scaffolding
Echafauder: pontellà, puntellà, palchittà - to erect a scaffolding
Echelle: scala, scaletta - ladder
Eclairage: lume - light
Ecoinçon: petra d'angulu, petra di guadrera - corner-stone
Egout: ghjettu, sgottu, scolu - sewer, drain
Electricien: eletricistu - electrician
Electricité: eletricità - electricity
Electrification: eletrificazione - eletrification
Electrifié: eletrificatu - eletrified
Electrifier: eletrificà - to electrify
Electrique: eletric - electric
Email: smaltu, vetru - enamel
Embrasement: zocculu di fundale, pianta, pede di fundazione - base
Embrasure de fenêtre: tronciu di finestra - window recess
Embranchement: aghjunta, forcu, imbrancamentu - pipe junction
Embrancher: aghjunghje, imbrancà - to join up
Embroncher (les tuiles et ardoises d'un toit): cavalcà, incastrà - to overlap
Emménagement: stallazione - moving in
Emménager: stallassi - to move in
Empattement: pede di fundazione, pede di fundale - foundation
Empierrement: impetramentu - pavement
Empierrer: impetrà, impitrà - to pave
Emplacement: impiazzamentu - site
Encastrement: incastru, incastramentu, incastratura - embedding
Encastrer: incastrà - to fit in, to embed
Enceindre: cinghje, accinghje, accircundà, chjode - to surround, to girl
Enceinte: accintu - surrounding wall, fence, enclosure
Enchevalement: puntillera, puntillatura - propping up
Enchevaler: puntillà - to stay, to prop up
Enchevaucher: cavalcà, incavalcà - to overlap
Enchevauchure: cavalcamentu, incavalcamentu - overlapping, lap-joint
Encoche: inzecca, intacca - notch, nick
Encognure: scornu, cantu, catagnu, incagnatura, tronciu - corner, angle
Enduire: unghje, piaccà, mazzunà - to coat
Enduit: piacca, mazzone, mazzunata - coating, plastering, coat of plaster
Enfaîteau: tegulu, cuppu di cresta, teghja suprana, embricione - ridge-tile
Enfaîter: accimà - to finish off
Enfoncement (d'une façade): rientrimentu - recess (des fondations): prufundezza - depth
Enseuillement: spondatura, spurghjitura, altura di sponda - height of window-sil
Entablement: pancalatura, cornicione - coping (of wall)
Entrait: travata - tie-beam
Entrée: entrata, intrata, usciu - way-in, entrance
Entrefenêtre: spallone - space between windows
Entrepreneur: impresariu - contractor
Entretoise: traversa, stanga, currente, legnu di rinforzu, rinfirzu - cross-bar
Entretoisement: stanghittamentu, stanghittime, rinfurzatura - bracing
Entretoiser: stangà, stanghittà, rinfurzà - to brace
Entrevous: trave à trave, spaziu di trave à trave - space between joists
Entrevoûter: riempie, stuccà - to fill up with plaster
Equerre: squadra - square
Escalier: scala, scalone, scalunata - staircase, flight of stairs
Espagnolette: serriale, spagnoletta - fastener, espagnolette
Estrade: palcu, palchettu - platform
Etage: pianu - floor
Etagère: scanceria, parastasgiu, parataghju - set of shelves
Etai: puntellu - stay, prop
Etaiement: puntellatura, puntellamentu - staying, propping
Etanche: cunghjettu, stagnatu - tight, water-tight
Etanchement: cunghjittamantu, stagnamentu - making water or air-tight
Etancher: cunghjittà, stagnà - to render water tight
Etançon: puntellu - prop, stay
Etançonnement: puntellamentu - propping
Etançonner: puntellà - to stay, to prop up
Etayage: puntillime - staying, propping
Etayer: puntellà - to stay, to prop up
Evacuateur: sgombradore, riboccu, scolu, ghjettu - drain
Evacuation: scolu, ghjettu, sgombru, sgombramentu - draining off
Evacuer: ribuccà, viutà, sgumbrà, sbarrazzà, (evacuà a ghjente) - to drain off, to evacuate (people)
Evier: acquaghju, acquagnu, acquaghjolu, acquagnolu, lavatoghju, lavellu, pila - kitchen sink
Escavation: scavu, scavamentu, scavatura, scavazione, svacu - excavation
Escaver: scavà - to excavator
Escavateur: scavatore - excavator
Extérieur: isteriore, fora, difora - outside, exterior

Façade: facciata - facade, frontage
Faïence: frisgia, terra fine, maiolica - crockery, faience
Faïencé: faienzatu, maiolicatu - tiled
"Faïencer": faienzà, maiolicà, copre di faienza - to tile
Faîtage: cima, sima, tirulone, cresta - ridge-tiling
Faîte: cima, capimonte - ridge
Faîtière: tegulu, coppulu di cima - ridge-tile
Fanton, fenton: catena, sciviglia - chimney-rod
Fenestrage: finestrata - window-making
Fenêtre: finestra, portellu - window
Fenêtre à tabatière: caterazza - hinged skylight
Ferme (adj): stabile, sodu, solitu, tenace - firm, steady
Ferme (du toit): intempiu - truss
Ferme (maison de campagne): tenuta, tinuta, campagna, villa - farm
Fermeture: chjuditura, chjusura - closing apparatus
Ferrure: ferratura - piece of ironwork
Fil à plomb: piombu - plumb-line
Fondation: fundamentu, fundazione, fundale - foundations
Fosse septique: fossa di ghjettu - septis tank
Four: fornu - oven
Fourneau: furnellu - kitchen-range
Foyer: ziglia - hearth, fire-place
Foyer central: fucone - central hearth
Frise: frisgiu, frisa, frisgiula - frieze
Frisoir: frittazzu - hair-curler
Gabarit: sagrima - mould
Gâcher (du mortier): amoglià, impastà, minà - to mix, to slack
Galbe: cuntornu, prufilu, ambiu - curve
Garage: aggrottu, rimessa, garasgiu - garage
Garde-corps: parapettu - parapet, balustrade
Gargouille: gronda, grundaghju, grundiana, stilla - water-spout
Girouette: vintarola - weathercock, vane
Gond: ghjangaru, gangaru, calcagnolu, mascottu - hinge-pin
Gouttière: canaletta, grundiana - roof-gutter
Gravat: calcinacciu - rubbish
Gravier: gravetta, riniccione, rena di fiume, petra pesta - gravel grit
Grille: ferriata - railings
Grue: arganu - crane
Habitation: abitazione, abitaculu, alloghju, allogiu, casa - dwelling
Habiter: abità, stà di casa, tenesi, arreghjunassi, allughjà, allugià - to dwell, to inhabit
Hall d'entrée: primentre, portacu - entrance hall
Hameau: paisolu - hamlet
Hangar: baraccone - shed
Hérisson: ricciata - row of spikes
Hérissonner: arriccià - to lay a row of spikes
Hotte (de cheminée): cappa - hood
Houe (pour gâcher le mortier): marra, smarra - hoe
Hutte: capanile - hut
Immeuble: casamentu - block of flats
Installateur: istalladore, stalladore - fitter
Installer: stallà - to fit up
Interrupteur: interruttore - switch
Isolant: isulante, spiccante - insulating
Isolateur: isulatore - insulator
Isolation: isulazione, spiccanza - insulation
Isolé: isulatu, staccatu - insulated
Isoler: isulà, staccà, spiccà - to insulate
Jalousie: ghjelusia - jalousie
Jambage: spallina - jamb
Jardin: giardinu. V. POTAGER - garden
Joint: marlu, aghjuntu, ghjuntu, adunitura, unitura - joint
Jointojer: marlà, stuccà, riempie e incrichje - to joint
Jointoyeur: scialbadore - jointer
Jointure: aghjunghjitura, aghjuntitura, ghjuntitura, marlu - joint
Judas: spia - spy-hole
Lait de chaux: lattata - milk of lime
Lambris: fistone, frisgiu, rivestitura - panelling, wainscoting
Lambrissage: decurazione, rivestitura, intavulinatura - wainscoting
Lambrisser: decurà, riveste, ricopre, intavulità - to wainscot, to panel
Lampadaire: lampadariu, lamperone, lampione - lampstand, lampadary
Lampe: lampana, lampera, lumera, lume - lamp
Lanterne: lanterna, lampione - lantern
Lattage: tavulittera, punera di latte, punera di righe - lathing
Latte: spranghella, riga, sciabula, latta - lath
Latter: tavulittà, spronghellà, pone e righe, pone e latte - to lath
Lattis: tavulittatu - lath-work
Lauze: teghja, tittella - kind of slate
Lavabo: bacile, lavatoghju - wash-basin
Lavoir: lavatoghju, pozza, vasca - wash-basin
Lézarde: crepa, crepatura, crepula, fessa, incrinatura, sgringnatura - cranny, chink
Lézardé: crepatu, crepulatu, incrinatu, sgringnatu - cracked, crannied
Lézarder: crepà, crepulà, incrinà, sgringnà - to crack
Lièrne: vena, ligamentu - brace
Limon: stanga, travu - string-board
Linteau: scurrente, stricia, cavighjolu, riga - rail
Living-room: salottu - living-room
Local: stanza, pezzu, fondu - room
Logement: allogiu, alloghju, lugiamentu, lughjamentu - lodging, housing, accomodation
Loger: stà, allugià, allughjà, accasà - to lodge, to house
Logis: allogiu, alloghju, casa - home, dwelling, housing, abode
Loquet: cricca, stavella, marchjetta, ferriale, catinale - latch
Loqueteau: minucula - small latch
Loyer: pigione, pighjone - rent
Lucarne: purtellinu, finestrinu, lucernaghju, lucernaru - attic window, skylight
Lunette: lucernaghju - lunette
Lustre: lumerone, chandelier
Maçon: muradore, maestru di muru, maestru di muraglia - mason
Maçonnage: muratura, murera - masonry
Maçonner: murà, amurà - to mason
Maçonnerie: muru, muraglia, muratura - stonework, bricklaying
Madrier: tavulone, tavellone - piece of timber, beam
Maison: casa - house
Maisonnée: casale, levame - household
Maisonnette: casetta, casellu, casuccia - cottage, small house
Manoeuvre: manuale - unskilled labourer
Mansarde: sottutettu, granaghju - attic, garret
Manteau de cheminée: sottucappa, faccia di carminu - mantelpiece
Marche d'escalier: scalinu, scalellu - step, stair
Marteau: martellu - hammer. Gros: martillone - heavy hammer. Masse: mazza ferrata - sledge hammer
Massette: mazzolu - two-handed hammer. Piquette: martellina, picchetta - small pick. Têtu: testu - quarryman's hammer
Mastic: mastice, masticu - putty
Masticage: masticera, masticatura - filling in
Mastiquer: masticà, masticià - to fill in
Mélangeur (robinet): misculadore, mischjadore - cold and hot tap, mixing tap
Membrure: membratura, ossatura - framework
Meneau: traversa, mediana - transom
Menuiserie: ligname, legnu - woodwork
Menuisier: bancalaru - joiner, cabinet-maker
Meuble: mobulu - piece of furniture
Minuterie: contaluce, minuteria - automatic time-switch
Mobilier: mubiglia, mobuli - furniture
Module: modulu - module
Moellon: petra, pitretta, paramanu, petricella, carcacoda - quarry-stone
Mortier: buzana, mena, calcina - mortar
Moufles (palan): palanchi - block and tackle
Moulure: riga, orlu, risega - moulding
Mur: muru - wall
Mur de soutènement: muraglione - retaining wall
Murage: murera, muratura - walling up
Muraille: muraglia - wall
Mural: murale, di muru - mural
Murer: murà - to wall up
Muret, muretin: murellu, muretta, murucciu - low wall
Murette: muraglietta - low wall
Mur rideau: muraglia libera - free wall
Niche: nichju, nichja - niche
Niveau: nivellu, livellu - level
Nivelage: nivellatura, spianamentu, spianatura - levelling
Niveler: nivellà, apparinà, spianà - to level, to even up
Niveleur: nivelladore, spianadore - leveller
Niveleuse: pala, spianatrice - motorgrader
Nivellement: spianamentu, nivellamentu - levelling
Noue: murena - gutter-tile
Noyau: culonna - newel, core
Oeil de boeuf: finestru tondu, lucitondu - bull's eye
Office: uffiziu, cucina - pantry
Orbe: muraglia nuda, muru pienu - blind wall
Orillon: zocculu, pede di rinforzu - footing
Ornement: ornamentu - ornament
Ossature: ossu, armature - skeleton, ossature
Ouverture: apertura, finestra, luce - opening, aperture
Ouvrier: operaiu, operaghju, travagliadore - worker, workman
Palais: palazzu - palace
Palan: palancu - pulley-block
Pallier: sulaghjolu, rimpianu, pianu - landing
Parapet: parapettu, muraglietta - parapet
Paratonnerre: paratonu, parafulmine, parasaetta, calamita - lightning-rod
Parking: parking, stabulu - car park, parking-lot (U_S)
Paroi: tramezana, faccia - partition wall, face
Parpaing: petra maestra, petra suttana, petra traversa, mattone (in cimentu) - parpen, bond stone
Parquet: sulaghju, tavulatu - floor
Parquetage: intavulatura, intavulatoghja - flooring
Parqueter: intavulà - to lay a floor
Parqueteur: intavuladore - floor-layer
Pas (de porte): zigliare - threshold
Passe-partout: russignolu - pass-key
Passe-plat: finestrinu, porghjirobba - service-hatch
Patère: patera, appiccatoghju, azzingatoghju, azzingu - hat-peg, coat-peg
Patio: corte, piazzetta - patio
Paumelle: ghjanghjeretta, mappetta, mappula, manetta - door-hinge, plate of door-hinge
Pavage: pavimentazione, intighjatura - paving
Pavé: chjappetta, panculu, astracu, tighjata - paving-stone
Pavement: pavimentu - ornate pavement
Paver: intighjà, inchjappellà, impetrà, pavimentà - to pave
Paveur: impetradore - paver
Pavillon: casinu, casile - pavillon, lodge
Peindre: pinghje, pitturà, tinghje - to paint
Peintre: pittore - painter
Peinture: pittura, tinta - painting, paint
Pelle (pour le sable, le mortier): pala, paletta, banga, badile - shovel, scoop
pente (de toit): pendita - pitch of a roof
penture: mappa - hinge
Pergola: pergula, pergulatu, libiatu - pergola
Peristyle: peristiliu - peristyle
Perron: terrazzolu, ballatoghju, scalinata, puntinu - perron, flight of steps
Persienne: persiana - persienne, venetian shutter
Pièce: pezzu, pezza, stanza - room
Piédroit: pilastru - pilaster
Pierre: petra - stone. Apparente: -nuda - bare stone. De taille: -zuccata - _ building-stone. D'attente: morfa, petra d'appicciu - extension stone
Pignon: capimonte - gable
Pilastre: pilastru - pilaster
Pilier: pilastru - pillar
Pinceau: pinnellu - brush
Piquetage: picchittime, picchittera - pegging out
Piqueter: picchittà, picchinà - to peg out, to stake out
Pisé: terra battuta, ziglia - pise, puddled clay
Placard: scanceria, armadiu, armariu - wall cup-board
Plafond: pianaghju - ceiling
Plafonnage: sulaghjera, inghjessatura, suffittera - ceiling-work
Plafonner: sulaghjà, suffittà, copre, inghjessà - to ceil
Plafonneur: inghjessadore - plasterer of ceilings
Plafonnier: lumeretta - ceiling light
Plan: pianu, pianu paru - even, level
Planche: tavula - board, plank. De charpente: tempia - plank
Plancheier: insulaghjà, intavulà - to board, to floor
Plancheieur: sulaghjaiu, intavuladore - floor-layer
Plancher: sulaghju - floor
Plate-forme: terrazza, piana, piazzetta - flat roof, terrace
Platelage: tavulatu - frame-work flooring
Plâtrage: inghjessatura - plastering, plaster-work
Plâtras: calcinnacciu - rubbish, old plaster
Plâtre: ghjessu, ghjesciu - plaster
Plâtrer: inghjessà - to plaster
Plâtrier: inghjessadore, ghjessarolu - plasterer
Plinthe: fascia, zocculu - plinth
Plomberie: piumberia - plumbery, plumbing
Plombier: funtanaru, piumbaiu - plumber
Poignée: manechja, manechju, manitengulu - handle
Pommelle: grate - grating
Ponçage: liscera, alliscera - to rub down, to sandpaper
Poncer: liscià, alliscià, pulì - sandpapering
Portail: purtone, portacu, purtacale, purtale - portal
Porte: porta, usciu, antula - door
Porte fardeau: acella - lifting-gear
Porte fenêtre: finestrone - french window
Porte vitrée: porta vitrata - glass door
Portière: purtiera, doppia porta - door-curtain, twifold door
Portillon: cateru, purtuccia, callaghju - wicket-gate
Pose: posta, punitura - placing, laying
Poseur: punidore - layer
Potager (jardin): ortu - kitchen-garden
Poulie: tagliola - pulley
Poutraison: travatura, travulatura - beam, roof timbers
Poutre: travu, costa, tirulone, legnu, cantellu - beam. (dans le mur): murgagnula, murgagna - summer-beam. (grosse): sima, burdinale, burdunale - balk
Poutrelle: travettu, travicellu, travucciu - small beam
Préfabrication: prefabricazione - prefabrication
Préfabriqué: prefabricatu - prefabricated
Prise de courant: presa eletrica, di currente - plug
Prise d'eau: presa d'acqua - water intake
Propylée: prubileu - colonnade porch
Prostyle: prustiliu - prostyle
Puisard: pozzu neru - cesspool, sunk draining-trap
Puits: cisterna, pozzu - well
Radiateur: radiatore - radiator
Rampe (d'escalier): ringhera - banisters
Ravalement: riscialbera - rough-casting
Ravaler: riscialbà - to rough-cast
Ravaleur: scialbadore - rough-caster, plasterer
Refend: muraglia mezana, muru di mezu - partition wall
Réglage, régalement: spianatura - levelling
Régaler: spianà - to level
Règle (à niveler): rigà - measuring-rod
Relèvement (d'un mur): rillevamentu, rialzu, rialzata, pisata - rebuilding
Relever: rialzà, pisà - to rebuild
Remblai: riempiimentu - filling material
Remblayage: riempiime, culmatura - filling up
Remblayer: riempie, culmà - to fill up, to pack
Rempart: furtificazione, muriglia, prutezzione - rampart, bulwark
Rempiétement: rifundamentu - underpinning
Rempiéter: rifundà - to underpin
Remplissage: riempiimentu - filling up
Renforcement: rinforzu, rinforzamentu - strengthen
Renforcer: rinfurzà - to strengthen
Renfort: rinforzu - strengthening
Réparation: riparazione - repairing
Réparateur: riparadore - repairer, mender
Réparer: riparà, arrangià - to repair, to mend
Repeindre: ripinghje - to repaint
Reprendre: ripiglià - to underpin
Reprise: ripigliu - underpinning
Réservoir: riserva, vasca, cisterna - tank, cistern
Réserve: riserva - reserve
Résidence: residenza - residence
Résider: stà - to reside, to dwell, to live
Revêtement: ricuprimentu, scialbu, perdatu - coating
Revêtir: ricopre, riveste - to face, to coat
Rez de chaussée: appianu, pianterrenu - ground-floor
Rogole: canaletta, piova - drain, trench, gutter
Rideau: storu - curtain
Robinet: cannella, chjave, rubinettu - tap
Ruissellement: sculime, spiscinime, scolu - out-flow
Sable: rena, arena - sand
Salle: sala, salone - large room, living-room
Salon: salottu, saluttinu - morning-room
Sanitaires: sale d'aqcue, sanitarii - sanitation, sanitary fittings
Séchoir (à chataîgnes): grate, siccarecciu, siccatoghju, seccu - chesnut draining floor. (à linge): tinditoghju, tenditoghju - linen drier
Semelle: solu - sole-piece
Serre-joint: morsu, pernu, ferru di strinta - joiner scramp
Serrura: serratura, ferchju - lock
Serrurerie: muntatura - locksmith's trade, locksminth's work
Serrurier: ferrale - locksmith
Seuil: sigliare - door-sill, door-step
Signe (étoile à cinq branches marquant l'emplacement du logement d'un échafaudage): segnu di Salamone - site-marking (five-branched star)
Siphon: siflu, sifone - trap of drain
Site: situ, impiazzamentu - site
Soffite: suffittu - soffit
Sol (en terre battue): battume - floor of beaten earth
Solive: travu, cantellu - joist, beam
Sonnerie: campanella, timpanu, sunneria - bell
Soubassement: fundamentu, zocculu, basamentu - base, subfoundation
Souche de cheminée: fumaghjolu, fumarolu - chimney-stack
Soupente: mezaria, suffitta, sottuscala - loft-garret
Soupirail: lucernaghju - basement window
Sous-faîte: contrucatena - under-roof, timber
Sous-sol: sottuterra - basement
Soutènement: appoghju - support
Soutenir: sustene, puntellà - to support
Souterrain: sutterraniu - underground
Soutien: sustegnu - support
Spatule: spatula, conzula - small trowel, spatula
Store: storu, tindina - blind
Surbaissement: sbassamentu, sbassata - surbasement
Surbaissé: sbassatu - surbased
Surbaisser: sbassà - to surbase
Surélévation: rialzata, pisata - raising, heightening
Surélevé: rialzatu, pisatu - raised, heightened
Surélèvement: rialzamentu, rialzu, pisata - raising, heightening
Surélever: rialzà, pisà - to raise, to heighten
Surhaussement: rialzu, pisata - raising, heightening
Surhaussé: rialzatu, pisatu - raised, heightened
Surhausser: rialzà, pisà - to raise, to heighten
Tabatière (fenêtre): caterazza - hingeg, skylight
Tablette: tavuletta - shelf. (de fenêtre): arrimbatoghju, teghja - window sill
Taloche: sparavè - hawk. (petite): tuluccinu - small hawk
Tamis: stacciu, reta, cincennu - sieve
Tamiser: staccià - to sift
Tapisserie: incarcatura, tappizzeria, carta - wall-paper
Tapisser: incartà - to paper
Tapissier: incartadore, tappezzeru - paper hanger
Targette: marchjetta, notula - flat door-bolt
Terrasse: terrazza, cuteghja - terrace.(petite): terrazzolu, ballatoghju - small terrace, balcony. (toit plat): tettu pianu - flat roof
Terrassement: scassu - earthwork navvying
Toit: tettu - roof
Toiture: tettu, tittera - roofing
Tranchée: fossa, fossu, sbregu - trench
Trappe: trappula, caterazza, catarazza - trap
Travail: travagliu, opera - work
Traveau: travettu, travicellu, cantellucciu, cantellettu - small beam
Travée: arcu - bay
Traverse: traversa - croos-beam
Treillage: trillicciu - lattice-work, trellis-work
Treillis: graticula, trillice - lattice, wire netting
Treillissement: trillicà - to treillis, to lattice, to enfold with wire netting
Tréteau: cavallettu - trestle
Tringle: asta, stanghetta - rod
Trottoir: tighjata, tighjatu - pavement
Trou de serrure: chjavaghju, inchjavaghju - key hole
Truelle à bout arrondi: cazzola - rounded trowel. (à bout pointu): mesculinu - pointed trowel
Truellée: cazzulata - trowelful
Tuf: tofu - tuffa
Tuile: embrice, coppu, tegulu, tittella - tile
Tuyau: canale, canna, tubu, cannone - pipie
Tuyauterie: canalizazione, tubatura - pipes
Tuauter: canalizà - to lay pipes
Vasque: vasca - basin, bowl
Véranda: veranda - verandah
Verrière: vitrata - glass-house, glass-roff
Verrou: marchjone, ferriale - bolt
Verrouillage: stanghiterra - bolting
Verrouillé: stanghittatu - bolted in
Verrouiller: stanghittà - to bolt, to lock up
Vide ordure: ghjettu - rubbish-shoot
Villa: villà - villa
Village: paese - village
Ville: cità - town
Vitrage: vitrata - glazing
Vitrail: vitrata, vitrale - stained glass window
Vitre: vetru - pane
Vitré: vitratu - glazed, glass
Vitrerie: vitreria - glaziery
Vitrier: vitraiu - glazier
Vitrine: vitrina - glass-case
Volet: oscuru, ala, albetta - shutter
Volige: tavuletta - slate-lath
Voligeage: tavulittatura, intavulittatura - lathing
Voussin: vultinu - small arvhed room
Voussoir: petra di volta - arch-stone
Voussure: arcu - arching, vault, coving
Voûte: volta - vault
Voûter: copre in volta - to arch, to vault
   ADECEC 1984